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URL Style

By default, the export of feishu-pages will use a hierarchical URL structure to ensure that the exported document has a good URL style. For example: /intergration-deploy/github-actions.

However, this approach needs to use strict URL when writing Feishu Docs, and each document needs to add a slug Page Meta. Some projects may not need such a URL structure and want to simplify the documentation.

Therefore, feishu-pages also provides configuration options URL_STYLEenvironment variables to select URL Style.


If you want to generate a more professional URL structure, you can use nested, which is also the default structure of feishu-pages. See the official website documentation for specific effects.

This is the default value for feishu-pages. If this is selected, no configuration is required.



If you expect to be able to export documents easily, without much effort, and you don't need to do internationalization support, you can use original.

This way all generated URLs will have a structure similar to: /KMZnwe9qPiLYMOkzzeMcQQcXnkK.
