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Page Mata

By default, Feishu Wiki did not provide any features that allowed us to specify the page URL.

So, we need to use a special way to do that.

Pages Meta

You can write a CodeBlock with YAML or JSON language at the first of your Feishu Document.






To specify the URL filename of this page.
For example: hello-world
Then the page URL will:
path/of/folder is the nested paths by the TOC.



Hide this page, if present true this page will ignore and not shown on Sidebar.
Default: false

After the page is generated, the Page Meta part will be invisible.


If you find it too much trouble to set a slugfor each document, you can use the simple URL structure of Feishu Docs by setting URL_STYLE=original, so that the document does not need to write a slug.

See also: URL Style

For example

Here is a screenshot of Page Meta in the Feishu Document.

Add YAML or JSON content:

slug: your-page-slug

If you'd like to use JSON, write like this.

  "slug": "your-page-slug"

Then this CodeBlock will parse to as doc meta info, and this CodeBlock will not appear in the output Markdown content.